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Rural property



A comprehensive assessment of existing conditions considers

An important part of this is the site context and surrounding land use.

A site plan is then prepared, locating the house and any sheds or other out buildings, access tracks, dams, fencing, water tanks and dams, areas to be planted and any sections where tree removal may be necessary. Services are also designed to include power and phone connection (if required), water supply and management, and wastewater treatment and dispersal.

A more detailed landscape plan will nominate areas of use around the house with appropriate plantings to grow food and to form spaces for outdoor living as well as modify the micro climate and consider fire risk and management.

A land management plan is then prepared, listing required treatments for



The properties zoning and planning scheme overlays are reviewed in relation to the client's needs and design criteria. Sam will do an initial response to these and discuss them with a client. He can engage any sub consultants who may be required.

A meeting is then held with a council planning officer. The assessment and site-planning work are all described in a report. The land's zoning and overlays are listed and the report describes how the development responds to these zonings and the council's assessment criteria. If required, vegetation removal and land management plans can be prepared. The report is lodged and any queries are answered promptly to ensure the application is processed as quickly as possible. If necessary, Sam can make presentations at council meetings and VCAT.

Sam has had extensive experience lodging applications in the Farming and Rural Living Zones and has lodged over 500 successful applications in Central Victoria.

Most BAL assessments can be complete within a week, Bushfire Management Statements within 2 weeks, and planning applications lodged within 28 days. If your job is urgent Sam can usually be flexible to meet your deadline.